• Last updated on June 26, 2024


The Team of our performance marketing company consists of professionals including data analysts, performance marketers, and developers.

We strongly believe that impressive performance depends on outstanding teams who seamlessly plunge into businesses to help them grow exponentially. Our expert consultants in performance marketing and data analysis are a leap above the rest in terms of optimizing lead generation, maximum ROI (return on investments), and total revenue.

The range of channels we use to fully benefit from our marketing efforts include:

Native Advertising (Mgid/Adskeeper)

Customers are more likely to interact with a native ad that isn’t perceived as a regular advertisement. That’s why we create native ads that smoothly fit a definite website in terms of its content, design, and writing style, which considerably increases the purchase rate.

Advertising via Google and Microsoft ads

Customers are more likely to interact with a native ad that isn’t perceived as a regular advertisement. That’s why we create native ads that smoothly fit a definite website in terms of its content, design, and writing style, which considerably increases the purchase rate.

Social Media Advertising

Ads on social networks are a powerful means to nurture potential buyers by building a trusting relationship with them on each of the abovementioned networks. This is what we do to get our traffic on social channels rolling:

  • provide impeccable visual content that increases a customer’s interest by 85%;
  • Instagram data proves that consumers are engaged with a brand the most exactly on this social network — thus, our talented team of designers works hard on creating beautiful, easy-to-follow, and eye-catching content;
  • ensure that our content is easily shareable as clients spent 65% of their time on social networks using mobile devices;
  • integrate optimized SEO solutions;
  • stick to a publishing schedule and respond to every customer’s query;
  • analyze the competitors’ experience on social media

CPA networks

This is the responsibility of affiliate managers who are looking for the best quality traffic. Before creating a CPA network, they thoroughly monitor the traffic quality and choose only the most reliable and profitable webmasters to partner with.

Performance marketing companies cannot thrive if they don’t consider an analytical aspect of any business. It’s deep expertise in data analytics that helps us establish long-term relationships with our customers and maximize ROI. Google Analytics, together with various analytics tools we design especially for our performance marketers, serves our goal of tracking and measuring performance campaigns.

Apart from that, our Analytics department predicts the Lifetime Value (LTV) of every client, i.e., their expenses based on their current marketing behavior. This metric is gaining popularity due to its effective measurement options, which lets marketers create the most profitable strategy to boost ROI to the maximum. Besides, the LTV strategy gives a better understanding of clients’ interaction with the brand — it’s a step forward to a personalized approach and maximizing revenue.

It follows from this that for any business’ success, it’s vital to increase the customers’ LTV by keeping them satisfied, involved, and spending. That’s what retention marketing deals with. Since it costs much more to acquire new customers, we put a prominent focus on retention marketing. The latter has been efficiently incorporated into our overall marketing strategy, and we do the following things to keep our consumers loyal, happy, and active:

  • Send personalized emails with information about special offers, discounts, and current news. People like feeling special: according to statistics, 41% of consumers purchase more from the brands treating them personally.
  • Retargeting (Facebook, AdRoll, Google). It may sound surprising, but reconnecting with buyers is easy by reminding them of the things they’ve been previously interested in. This tactic is claimed to bring 14.6% of users back to you. Thus, there is no wonder that some companies spend 50% of their advertising funds on retargeting these days. To get in touch with our shoppers, we use display ads, automated emails, treat our regular customers as special, etc.
  • Re-engaging a buyer is also possible via push-notifications. Since a mobile device is an indispensable part of modern life, thanks to such notifications, our clients are always well-informed about cool offers from their favorite brands.

It’s noteworthy that all the efforts of our team would be in vain but for our Design and Development department. Unique review sites, blogs, mobile apps, as well as creatives, numerous landings and pre-landings — all this would be impossible, and we wouldn’t be able to benefit from a personalized approach that is in such a high demand in today’s market.